The product
The product you’re buying is a film that you can watch via so-called streamed video. So you don’t have to download the film and it won’t take up lots of space on your computer or smartphone. You view the video via an Internet connection, which doesn’t have to be a top-quality connection. 3G/4G and/or ADSL 8/1 are fine and will work perfectly well.
Hundskolan Vision’s website complies with current web standards. Unfortunately, not all browsers do it. If you’re having trouble watching our movies, try changing web browsers. We recommend Safari (for Mac users) and Firefox for Windows / Mac users.
Purchase information
PayPal is a payment method in which you can either create an account and pay through that or use the function and just pay as a guest. If you have an account, you don’t have to enter your account number/card number. If you choose to pay as a guest, you’ll have to enter your card number before you make your purchase.
How to shop:
Select a product and place it in your shopping basket. Continue to check-out. Then you log in to your account or if you don’t have an account create one.
Once you’ve finished, you select payment via PayPal and are taken automatically to their secure payment system. If you already have a PayPal account, you can choose to pay via that. If you don’t want to register a PayPal account, you can simply pay as a guest. In that case you have to enter your account details and card number.
You can read more about PayPal here.
1. Select your products
2. Log in to ypur account or create a new account
3. Proceed to make payment via PayPal
4. Select to pay via a PayPal account or as a guest
5. If you have a voucher or a gift card you enter the code 6. Complete the purchase
Your videos
All of the videos you have bought are linked to your customer account. So you can easily log in and view them as often as you like. The videos work on smartphones, tablet PCs or computers.